Opening the Faerie Hill

Faery Circle

Danu, Danu, Danu
Three times round we go
Moonwise in our circle
Dancing with the flow.

Danu, Danu, Danu
Three times round we spin
To waken all the Sidhe
In the mound within

Danu, Danu, Danu
Three times round we dance
Lead us to the Otherworld
Spinning in our trance.

Danu, Danu, Danu
Three times round we sing
Happy all together
In the Faerie Ring.

A Morning Prayer for Danu

Danu, Danu, Danu
Flowing rivers and streams
We are bathed in your love.

Danu, Danu, Danu
Your Body, this beautiful Land
We suckle at your Breast.

Mother of All
Redeemer of Souls
Source of all that is Holy.

Bring peace to all who suffer.
Bring health to all who are ill.
Bless us this morning as we arise.

Bless us with food and drink
A warm hearth for all
And shelter from the storms.

We offer you sweet milk
Our bread and fruit, gifts for you
With grateful hearts, we share.

Danu, Danu, Danu
Flowing rivers and streams
We are bathed in your love.

Danu, Danu, Danu
Your Body, this beautiful Land
We suckle at your Breast.

Mother of All
Redeemer of Souls
Source of all that is Holy.

Invocation to Cardea

Cardea, in your starry castle at the hinge of the universe, we call to you and your son, Eurus who echoes memories of new growth and springtime. You who looks forward and backward in time, blow your sweet breath upon us.  Allow us to feel you on our skin, the gentle wind blowing on our faces as we open to you in the morning.

Cardea, in your starry castle at the hinge of the universe, we call to you and your son, Notus who speaks to us of the brilliance and warmth of the summer Sun. Remind us of the joy of children who skip along, hand in hand, swinging their arms, singing songs of summer.

Cardea, in your starry castle at the hinge of the universe, we call to you and your son, Zephyrus who sings of the Cauldron of Rebirth. Open the door to allow that which is no longer useful to us to leave.  At the same time open us to the flow of life as we birth newness into each day.

Cardea, in your starry castle at the hinge of the universe, we call to you and your son, Boreas who whispers to us of Life-in-Death, and hints at the seeds within the fallen fruit. Ground us in the knowledge that we shall always find sustenance and renewal in the nurturing life on Earth.

Cardea, Mother, whose power is to open what is shut and to shut what is open, remind us always to listen to the winds.


Cardea. Mother of the Wind

I feel your breath on my skin like the gentle wind blowing in my face as I open to you in the morning. I breathe your air, feeling it enter me, and it becomes our breath, sweet air – shared with all that is.

Dew-fresh, I am called to gaze upon your beauty. I touch your sweet petals; they unfold, soft as velvet to my touch and I am renewed by your awakening.

Words come to me in gentle currents on the air as I breathe. Words that inspire, words that lift, words coming from my heart and my soul, sharing myself with You.

Beautiful Cardea, Keeper of the Four Winds, you who lives behind the North Wind in the starry castle at the hinge of the universe, you who is Mistress of all Openings, I call to you! I invite you to share this magical space with us!

Blessed Be

Dew Kissed and Beltane Blessed

hawthorn gathered in the may
atop a tree of birch
gaily blowing in the wind
rainbow ribbons spin

queen of may, jack o’green
bless the fields and land
lively dancing kissing twirling
ribbons in the hand

king making, goddess blessed
sacred vows of ancient days
wrapping ribbons round the pole
dance the sacred ways

spread the grass make a bed
lay upon the land
spill the seed bless the night
lovers hand in hand

come my love, walk with me
we’ll lay upon the grass
our love to bless this night
and watch the moonlight pass

dew kissed, we shall awake
a blessing to the Earth
and greet the sun on morning rise
with laughter and sweet mirth

By Deanne Quarrie

May you be kissed by the dew!
Many Blessings, Deanne

Be ~ ing In Your Embrace

Be-ing: In Your Embrace

I feel your breath on my skin like the gentle wind blowing in my face as I open the window to my garden in the morning. I breathe your air, feeling it enter me. It becomes our breath, our clean, sweet air.

You surround me in vibrant color with red, yellow, purple, and blue wildflowers dancing at my feet. Sweet and pungent, your scent drifts toward me, warming me, reminding me of loves I have known. Memories of passion, each embrace a sacred moment with you.

Dew-fresh, I am called to gaze upon your beauty. I touch your sweet petals; they unfold, soft as velvet to my touch. I am renewed with your awakening.

My own heat rises as your sunlight streams upon me. With your energy pulsing through me I am transformed. Passion stirs in me. I am at once lifted, seeking and yearning for your embrace. Feeling my heart, beating to your rhythm, I am reminded of the joy in life.

Your Holy Waters bring forth life. Sweet gentle stream, I lay beside you in such pleasure. I dream of loss, renewal, and then, hope. I feel the life force of my womb, which once brought forth life. I recognize your flow in my blood, my woman’s blood, now but a memory in this crone’s body, still strong and sure.

Suddenly I am in all waters, first riding the wave of the ocean, reveling in the speed of my body moving with the wave, then in a cascading waterfall, which showers me in newness.

I lie on the ground and feel you, Mother. Your cool, damp soil runs through my fingers, and I feel the moistness of your body. I am grounded, held close in your embrace. The grass nestles me in softness and I am strengthened by the simplicity of your care. I am healed by your love, Mother.

Seeking to pull the warmth of your golden rays to me, I reach for you in the sky and feel your heat like that of a lover, quickening my pulse, my Yoni longing for surrender.

Earth and Water, Wind and Fire, you surround me all my days. All that my eyes gaze upon is of you, within me and without.

Creatrix, Mother of All Life, I thank you for this experience of Be-ing in your embrace.


from space I arose
awake in the great nothing
that is all potential.
the great swirling field
the empty void of space ~
all that can be
all that is ….

my joy, so complete,
be-ing overcome with delight.
my body moved
in ecstatic pleasure
ripples of laughter
bubbling forth, I am
lost in my intensity …

I dance forth creation
dividing earth and sky
dancing on the waves,
birthing the north wind
creating in my joy.
lost in my dance
I am all that is.

Deanne Quarrie June 1, 2003

Her Breath

I am a child of the Earth. I live and breathe, walk and dance upon Her face. She is my source and I learn from Her each day. This I know…
Life begins in the dark as Desire.
Deep in that dark place life begins to form, taking root and becoming…..

As life stirs…… deep in the Mother’s Belly, there is a gentle quickening, movement that alerts us to a “knowing” of the presence of something yet to come.
As the Earth prepares Herself with warmth, the rains and waters come and flood the land, nourishing the soil in which She is creating new life.
Earth and Water and Fire come together and Form continues to take shape.

One last thing is needed. Just as new form emerges, She breathes Air upon it. Her Breath, giving Life to all that She has nurtured.
Earth and Water and Fire and Air

Deanne Quarrie

I posted this poem, I believe as my very first poem in this blog. It is the time of year that the Her Breath truly brings forth life.

Calling the Ancestors

We call to those who have gone before,
Ancient Ones, loved ones
who have left this plane,
spirit helpers, all.
We are gathered here in sacred space
to reach beyond the veil.
We have reaped the harvest
and stored them for the coming year.

We face a time of cold and dark,
of wind and sleet and snow.
It is the end of warmth and growth,
a time of death and quiet repose.
This is the night to lift the veil,
a time when you are near.
Draw close to us within this space,
your message we would hear.

Speak to us of what you will,
of things you know or need.
Speak to us of times long past,
or that which is yet to come.
Share with us those things we feel,
but somehow cannot touch.
We know we know the things of old
yet somehow they are lost.

They come to us from beyond the veil,
from this place that is no place,
from a time where no time exists.
They will speak to us of love,
for that is all there is.
Those who have come before
stand ever ready to lend a hand,
even though we do not always know they are near.

As you reach to them,
try not so hard
to see a face,
but search for love within your soul.
Create a channel to summon forth;
a bond – a tie between us.
Form a link, with love unite,
and share the present moment.

Draw from them the love you need
and know the promise of tomorrow.
They will speak with us of times of old
and the future yet to come
and as you face the coming dark
and know it’s bitter cold,
warmth will come once more
with the turning of the wheel.