She Changes Everything She Touches

She Changes Everything She Touches and …
Everything She Touches Changes….
As a way of entry to this post, I wish to let readers know that this is written as a critical part of the work shown below. It is the work of an accomplished priestess and how she has been reminded as to what she knows about manifesting wants and needs in her life. It is personal and it is real. In my professional life I was big on accountability and know that it applies to my magical life as well. This post therefore witnesses my intentions!

I have been feeling horribly scattered lately, almost as though I have acquired ADHD in my old age. Each day is incredibly busy and yet at the end of the day, when I reflect on how busy, I realize I have not gotten anything productive done! I have a lot of irons in the fire and recently have added even more. I added them because they seem important, as they might prove helpful to me for accomplishing some of my goals.

So, I was talking to a friend on the phone the other day, lamenting about this as well as other things that I wish to develop in my life that have to do with family and friend connections and spending more time with in-person relationships.

At the end of our conversation, in which my friend used her skills at listening, she remarked, “Bendis, you are a remarkable woman and have accomplished so much in your life. You have shared marvelous things with your students, but in listening to you, I can clearly see that you have not used what you teach in your own life.”

She Changes Everything She Touches and …
Everything She Touches Changes….

I stopped and took in what she had just said and realized that she spoke the truth. When I have used my own skills at manifesting, magic happens. I am a very good at manifestation. How could I not apply what I know to my own life? Of course, it is all part of the apparent ADHD that I really don’t have. What I have is a lack of goal setting, a lack of organization. I knew I had to create an action plan and include in it, a heavy dose of manifestation magic that has been lacking.

A synchronistic event followed on the very next day when I attended an all-day training that is part of my part time job with local digital inclusion efforts. The topic for the day was Goal Setting and Goal Achieving. Step-by-step I was taken through a process that is identical to what I teach my students when they first come on board in my mentoring program. Duh! Did I need a two by four?

I was encouraged to pick one goal. That immediately put a road block in front of me because I had at least five goals that sat at the top of my list, not one of them any less important that the others.

She Changes Everything She Touches and …
Everything She Touches Changes….

So here is what I am working on:

Goal Setting and Achievement

Part One – Self-Analysis

Where are you right now in terms of your goals and satisfaction level?

I am not where I want to be. I am feeling scattered. I feel completely disorganized. At the end of the day I feel as though I have not accomplished anything.

What do you feel needs to be done?

I want to improve my writing skills. I am a published author but I want to find more venues to publish my articles. I am exploring art as a therapeutic process and want to make time for it. As a teacher/facilitator of personal growth I want to add audio and visual medium to my classes I teach. I want to finish my new school, Dancing with Goddess. I love to learn and need to complete the classes I have started. I need to make sure to allow time for spontaneity in case social opportunities arise because I need to strengthen my support system here where I live.

What are your professional liabilities and weakness that you want to minimize and/ or eliminate?

I am currently not at all organized. I have great organizational skill that I am not using. I have not created a schedule for myself in order to complete things. I am spending way too much time on things that are not productive. I am not practicing what I teach!!! I am not using my magic!

She Changes Everything She Touches and …
Everything She Touches Changes….

Goals and Action Steps

Goal # 1 My Own Learning Path

1. Create time slot on schedule
2. Start the classes
a. Do 2 – 3 units per week on #1 priority classes
b. Fill in, if time is available, with fun ones
3. Stay on track

Goal # 2 My Online Schools for Others

1. Create time slot on schedule
2. Figure out how to get classes to front page
3. Figure out payment set up
4. Networking

Goal #3 Personal Support System


1. Pay attention to what opportunities are right for me
2. Make sure to go
3. Show appreciation – follow up with “thank you” and express the desire to be included again.


1. Express needs to family
2. Be supportive of theirs as well
3. Communicate often

Goal #4 Writing – Improve & Publish

1. Create time slot in schedule
2. Write every day
3. Network to find places to publish blogs and anthologies
a. look for anthologies (books) to write for.
4. Use books on hand for writing improvement

Goal #5 Get Healthy – Lose Weight & Workout

1. Begin a different eating schedule – breakfast early
2. Stop eating by 7:00 pm
3. Eat small portions – use small plate
4. Plan menus ahead
5. Schedule 1 trip to 24-Hour fitness weekly
6. Walk 2 days weekly

She Changes Everything She Touches and …
Everything She Touches Changes….

Magical Goals and Action Steps

Goal # 1

Create an altar in my home where I can sit at the beginning of each day to plan and review resources and again at the end of each day to review what has been achieved.

Goal #2

Create a Vision Journal to set intentions and record achievements. The Vision Journal will live on the altar.

Goal #3

Include art each week at least on one day for 2 hours. Include magical intent built within art pieces.

I am currently creating my calendar, with a plan to make each day look as if I am going to work. My job is to accomplish the goals I have set out for myself. I will go to work at a certain time, accomplish my listed tasks for the day and then close my business day. I will allow for flexibility and spontaneity should I have an opportunity for social engagements that will build my support system.

I will be posting this on my own personal blog Her Breath along with follow up as I accomplish these goals. I will make every effort to include any changes I make as well as fun magical things I will be doing to make these goals manifest in my life!

She Changes Everything She Touches and …
Everything She Touches Changes….