I had a dream to give and share
To all the people who came here.
To pass along a little spark
A brighter flame to light the dark.
The people came and then they’d go
Peace and love for all to know.
Within her doors she held the key
To open eyes that they might see.
Many paths they did converge
Along the road someday, they’ll merge.
I came to teach and that I’ve done
To all who quest to know the “One”.
The dream goes on to another place
It does not die but in this space.
Within their hearts she will live
To each some hope did she give.
Many friends have walked through here
Strangers then but now so dear.

I’ve learned from them along the way
And we will meet another day.
The wind has shifted and changed it’s course
It’s filled with promise without remorse.
New friends to make and words to share,
I’ve work to do when I get there.

Wikima is me – it’s not a place.
It doesn’t belong to just this space.
I take it with me wherever I go.
It’s what I am and with love I’ll show
In my work and in my play
Tomorrow will bring a brighter day.
On this adventure we all call life
It cannot be without some strife.

But through the struggle we learn and grow
The winds of change they always blow
And carry us on to better things.
Who can know what life will bring.
Down the road I’ll move along
And smile a lot and sing my song.
To those I meet who wish to grow.
Myself, my heart and love I’ll show.

for Whale Song

When I call you Sister,
It is not the same
As the bonds born out of blood
This time around.

It is Sister, in all sense Divine.
It is, as if at the time of creation,
When our soul was born,
We spilt in two,
Each a compliment to the other.

You are mentor, friend, sister, self,
A child of my heart,
To hold and nurture and give comfort.
There are memories to share,
Of things done before.
And plans to make
For what’s to come.

I don’t know what life will bring
Or when we’ll be together.
You’ll walk beside me, wherever I go
In my heart forever.

Others will come
And choose to grow.
The notes we’ll play
Will blend and rise
And all we do will harmonize
And be in Perfect Order

Consider Me

Consider me,
I’m kneeling at your feet.
If you were standing here,
I would not move.
My tears would fall like rain.
They’re tears of joy not pain.
I call you down,
Consider me.

She is from whom I come
And who I’ll always know.
She is within my soul
And is my very own.
The Moon, a-glow above
I call Her down to me.
She fills me up inside,
With love for all mankind.
I offer Her my love.
Her gentle ways.

She has another side
Within they both abide.
There lies my fire and flame.
She is my very own.
The Sun, a glow above,
I call Her down to me.
She fills me up inside.
Within Her strength resides.
I offer Her my love,
Her playful ways.

Her mighty hands do lead
And I would call Her names
And She does comfort me,
All the way.

Consider me,
I’m kneeling at your feet.
If you were standing here
I would not move.
My tears would fall like rain
They’re tears of joy not pain.
I call you down,
Consider me.


Bright Lady,
Whose name I speak
I call you down.
It’s You I seek.

Capture my soul,
My heart and mind
Make me yours
For all of time.

Laughing Lord,
Her other side,
Join with Her
Who is your bride.

You are my fire
And my flame.
I seek to know you
And your name.

Your strength will guide me
In all I do
The words I speak
Will be of You.

My heart is open
And filled with pride
As I call You
From inside.

Copyright 1990 Deanne Quarrie

The Phases of the Moon

As you show
Your first new face
I am inspired
By your grace.

All things beginning
And projects new
The power I seek,
It comes from you.

I gather in
Those things I seek.
I take my cue
When your light is weak.

The time to put
My task to force,
I draw from you
Who is the source.

I seek your power,
When you are full
To fully charge,
Your strength I pull.

Your awesome glow
Is filled with might
Descend on me
This wondrous night.

When past your peak,
Receding from me,
Now quarter full,
It’s time to see …

What needs to be done,
Without – within,
For cleaning house
The chores begin.

The Dark of Moon,
She casts no light.
She hides Herself
From our sight.

She takes from me
What I release
To cleanse my soul
And bring me peace.

Deanne Quarrie 1990

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

For the beauty of the Earth,
Great Spirit, we thank you.
For the warmth of the Sun,
Great Spirit, we thank you.

For the glory of the stars
That beautify the night,
Great Spirit, we thank you.

May we always be mindful
To live in harmony with
Our brothers and sisters,
The plants, animals and crystals
And for our shared existence,
Great Spirit, we thank you.

For our families and friends
And the love we share,
Great Spirit, we thank you.

For the joy of today and
The opportunity to walk the Earth,
Oh, Great Spirit, we thank you.

Copyright 1988 Deanne Quarrie (Wuti Wikima)


I shimmer with moonlight, my love is threefold.
My arms they embrace her, with love do I hold.
I nurture with strength, in courage I stand
Life never ending, carefree in my hands.

I fill her with laughter at the end of the day
And bring peaceful slumber, all cares washed away.
I am beauty before her and beauty inside
I stand by her always, within I abide.

I share all her secrets and love all her ways
I am beauty before her till the end of her days.
By the light she will know me. I carry her face.
She’ll know all my mysteries and walk in my grace.

I dance with the flowers and soar with the birds
At one with the music whose rapture is heard.
I play in the starlight and sing to the Sun,
Lay down by Her body together as one.

Make love in the moonlight with one who is brave,
Climb peaks and deep valleys, ride the crest of a wave.
Our magic together it brings the new day
With song and with laughter, sweet music we play.

As Beauty she will know me, through her will I talk.
I am beauty before her, in her do I walk.
I shimmer with moonlight, my love is threefold.
My arms they embrace her, with love do I hold.

Copyright 1990 Deanne Quarrie

My Beloved Grandmother – My Nana

Little things sitting around
Call to mind fond memories
Of those held dear.
An old picture from years gone by
Prompts thoughts from my childhood
Of my beloved Nana.

Living next door to her, there were
Many cherished moments spent with her.
Her sweetness still remembered
From a kind woman who always said,
If you have nothing nice to say
Say nothing at all.

Tea and raisin cookies
Do they even make them anymore?
Sitting in her kitchen sipping from a saucer.
With added milk and sugar
A sweet treat to enjoy
As we talked about our days.

Or after dinner each night
My brother and I running next door
Screaming, “I scream, you scream,
we all scream for ice cream.”
Vanilla it was every time,
Topped with chocolate sauce, of course.

Many years later, I happened
to take a friend to meet her,
How amazed I was to suddenly hear
this tiny woman discussing the stock market
Flashing back because to me
baby talk was her way.

At that moment, I saw her in a new way
She outlived her parents and siblings all
Two husbands, and both her children, as well.
With her kindness and deep love
This sweet woman held fast to a strength
That sustained her for almost one hundred years.

Great Blue Heron

a gift
one single feather
left behind as you flew from my sight

great blue, with your heavy graceful wings
lifting up to fly
leaving the grace of your wisdom with me

you stand alone as do I
strong and grounded in two realms
of Sky and Land

we explore and do many things together you and I
dreaming into reality
all that can be

we depend on no one
the gifts of earth and water
provide for our needs

the fire of our majestic spirit
takes us aloft as we seek sustenance
our mighty wings lifting us onward

your gift on my altar
one single feather
a reminder of who we are – together

Deanne Quarrie

Opening the Faerie Hill

Faery Circle

Danu, Danu, Danu
Three times round we go
Moonwise in our circle
Dancing with the flow.

Danu, Danu, Danu
Three times round we spin
To waken all the Sidhe
In the mound within

Danu, Danu, Danu
Three times round we dance
Lead us to the Otherworld
Spinning in our trance.

Danu, Danu, Danu
Three times round we sing
Happy all together
In the Faerie Ring.