Hard thrust
you forced your way
through Her body
breaking layers of rock
penetrating Her surface
exposing Her under layers…
proudly erect
you stand
as a symbol
of raw power
Hard thrust
you forced your way
through Her body
breaking layers of rock
penetrating Her surface
exposing Her under layers…
proudly erect
you stand
as a symbol
of raw power
so much still hidden
held close
uncurling slowly
layer after layer
of what might be
will be
I am a child of the Earth.
I live and breathe, walk and dance upon Her face.
She is my source and I learn from Her each day. This I know…
Life begins in the dark as Desire.
Deep in that dark place life begins to form, taking root and becoming…..
As life stirs…… deep in the Mother’s Belly,
there is a gentle quickening, movement
that alerts us to a “knowing”
of the presence of something yet to come.
As the Earth prepares Herself with warmth,
the rains and waters come and flood the land,
nourishing the soil in which She is creating new life.
Earth and Water and Fire
come together and Form continues to take shape.
One last thing is needed.
Just as new form emerges,
She breathes Air upon it.
Her Breath, giving Life to all that She has nurtured.
Earth and Water and Fire and Air
Her Breath ~ https://herbreath.com
breathing life into all, we open to Her gift ~ a partnership in co-creating all that you can be ~
spiritual mentoring and wellness coaching
Old Woman, you stand with your feet at the water’s edge,
Your old skin gnarled and rough,
With heavy thighs marked by signs that people left.
What was their need that they left their names
And jagged hearts for me to see?
It must have been hard for you
Feeling the sharp point of the knife
Making cuts on your skin.
But in your most holy sacred place
You embraced their gifts and made them a part of you.
Old Tattooed Woman, your bark
Holds memories of those who were here before me
Their names marking your skin.
See? Your arms are wide and strong
Offering shade for those held in your embrace.
I wish to be like you and take in what hurts
And weather the pain by toughening up
Like you, I will be made strong by life’s pointed edges,
Made wiser by honoring what is,
And made holy by embracing what comes.
Ancient One,
your roots hold fast to the Earth drawing strength.
Your white hair
shimmers against the sun and speaks to me of wisdom.
Ancient One,
you rise through granite, claiming this space, standing ground.
Your gnarled branches reach out
across the rocks
holding Her close to you.
Old Wise One,
If I lay in your arms
will I be one with you?
Ancient One,
if I rest curled in your roots,
will I know wisdom too?
Ancient One,
for just this moment,
may I be with you?