About Deanne

DeanneWhile given the name Deanne at birth, Deanne is known in the Women’s community as Bendis, “Fierce Huntress of the Two Spears.”  Her Druid friends know her as StagDancer. Deanne always has been a student of religion and theo/alogy. She spent the early part of her life as a student of world religion, beginning with her first term paper at the age of fourteen, which was on the topic of comparative religion. Her work sspiritual mentor began in the eighties and has been dedicated to helping women toward self-empowerment and in sharing with them the ecstasy of our Dance with the Divine. Her contributions have been devoted towards weaving webs across boundaries and continents, networking and pointing seekers far and wide, serving as moderator for many e-groups, serving as both peacekeeper and technical advisor for thousands of women as they grew in their own spiritual path. She loves being in service and promotes learning through diversity–a life-long passion for her.

Deanne loves to write and has published five books. Her works include Dancing with Goddess, From the Branch – The Ogham for Spiritual Growth, Annym Billagh – Healing with the Tree Ogham, Ogham Twigs, and Her Breath, a collection of her poetry.

Deanne is the founder of The Apple Branch, offering a mentoring program for those who wish to be of service in their communities.  She is the founder of the Liminal Thealogical Center where programs are offered in Women Mysteries, Faerie Faith, Women’s Studies and Interfaith Religion are offered. She also founded the organization “Global Goddess”, an online community of women who are committed to social/eco justice. Deanne spent almost half a year in Brazil where she worked with women of Brazil as a volunteer priestess.

For more information about Deanne, visit:

The Blue Roebuck

The Apple Branch – A Dianic Tradition

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One thought on “About Deanne

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